Maine: A Sunday Morning Painting

the sun is out
the sky is blue
it’s beautiful
in Cobalt Blue…

with apologies to Prudence & The Beatles – RL

I was up bright and early on Sunday morning. I set up on the rocks several hundred yards in front of the Craignair Inn with the hopes of completing a painting of the inn. By 7:30 a.m. I was ready to begin my preliminary drawing. Melissa is taking David Dewey’s workshop and also staying at the Craignair. While walking her dog, Cammie, she came over to see what I was painting and invited me to have breakfast with her and her husband, Rob. I told her I would but I wanted to lay in some initial washes first.

Luck would have it that it began raining – not hard – but only enough to shut me down. I packed up my gear and headed to the inn’s dining room.

Melissa & Rob are really nice folks from New York. They were here when I was here last in 2006. We ate breakfast and Melissa & I discussed possible painting locations for the day. There is an interesting little house that I see outside my room’s window and I wanted to paint it. The Craignair’s front deck provided a convenient perch so we set up there.

I began sketching and noticed a line of Adirondack chairs with their interesting shadows. I incorporated them into my drawing.

The sun was out in full force. It was a glorious morning for painting. I got the painting going before lunchtime came around. Melissa wanted to go to Marshall Point to paint and we decided to join Rob for lunch at The Dip Net on our way. I could finish the morning’s painting later and packed up for the haul to Marshall Point. Lunch at the Dip Net was crowded and delicious. We finished the afternoon painting at the lighthouse at Marshall Point.

Below is my painting of the red house in front of the Craignair. It still needs quite a bit of work but you can see the image coming into being.

Maybe I will turn this into a work in progress…

"Front Row Seats", by Robert Leedy, 2008, watercolor on Arches 140 lb. Cold Press paper

"Sunday Afternoon at the Craignair, by Robert Leedy, 2008, watercolor on Arches 140 lb. Cold Press paper, (Unfinished)

and final version…

"Sunday Afternoon at the Craignair", by Robert Leedy, 2008, watercolor on Arches 140 lb. Cold Press paper, 16.5" x 21.75"

click here to purchase “Sunday Afternoon at the Craignair”

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